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Friday, January 29, 2010

k. i officially have a livejournal web page.
so here's the link..
lols. please go there as well.
maa. i will not be deleting blogger.
ad i'm thinking whether or not to manage both at the same time.
one with real life friends visiting, which is here
and the livejournal one will be for online fan friends. XD
since LJ has a lot of Johnny's fans and we'll be able to get high over the same things.
KAT-TUN's NEW SINGLE IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg~ i love the 2 main songs~~~~
one is D-MOTION
and the other is
loveyourself~ kimi ga kirai na kimi ga suki
it's really nice~~~~
i look forrwarrd to the PVs. WOOOOO~
ok. today i shall write the same thing as my LJ.

the touch, is a contact with something or someone.

but the connection is the feel between something or someone.

the BOND. is an imaginary sense of both touch and connection.

how amazing's human emotions?

k. nothing to write liao.
shall pput kat-tun's new song here someday.



Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i feel sad. and frustrated. and lousy.
what's with MOE man?
giving me a course which i didn't even choose in my list.
and giving me a course that is unpopular among people.
ok. that's the first thing that come to my mind this morning.
but after a while, it's ok la.
it has a bright future you see,

k. i got into NYP's nursing.
but i appealed.
whether or not it's gonna be successful,
I'm gonna be ok~
not really sad if i got into Nursing or what.
just scared. of smelly things and..
dead bodies.. and disgusting wounds...
never mind. it's still long.
let fate decide~

omg. this is my cover for BANDAGE.
for those who comes to my blog, you might heard it before.
well. it's a bit soft. try turning up the volume.
well. i sorta like it myself .[ omg i can't believe i said that]
BUT. i haven't posted on youtube yet..
well. can anyone help me? :(
i shall do some songs that my blog viewers are familiar with..
shall do it other day.
i love jin's guitar that he's holding onto.
it's transparent. WO~
and i want a electric guitar!
even though i have a lousy china brand 5 stringed[it broke]
accoustic guitar..
and i haven't touched it for ages.
dust formed on the case~
and sometime ago, i played it and learn new chords on youtube.
gah, youtube's great~
anw ENJOY~

there goes my dreams.
it shattered like when madusa stands in front of the mirror.
sometimes i wonder whether i'm the madusa..
or it's just people above the clouds playing with me?

k. shall post some other songs i try next time.
until then~



Sunday, January 24, 2010

i had fun today!!
i went to Arashi's AAA screening organized by fans in singapore!!
well,all i can say is they did a great job and are all passionate fans~~
i love the goody bags they made.[sorry no pics. i'm Y.Z.A.L]
cause it's eco friendly and nice.
and the Johnny's shop photos are awesome.
i always view them from from internet but now i can actually see and touch them.
not hot and fresh but. woa~~~~
the DVD was a bit screwed cause it was yellow.
i was thinking it needed reds and blues..
and liyin wasn't happy with that.
and one more thing that she was disappointed with was she can't find her Sho's anan magazine.
sad. she doesn't have fate with the mag.
well, for me, when i first saw jin's anan, i wasn't prepared at all... -.-
it was like AKIRA SHOCK~~~~~~~~~~~
screamed and shouted and sang a lot during the concert screening~~
i love it!! lols!!
althought there are some songs i don't know~~
cause i'm a KAT-TUN fan now... lols.
still with Arashi and News but not so much.
i'm much much into KAT-TUN.
omg. i feel like switching to livejournal~~
blogger s-cks -.-
if i switch i'll have to change a lot of thingssssss.
and i'll have to ask a lot of people to link meeee....
which damn troublesome..
and i just realise something.
i haven't been writing my words!
for ages!
those words that are slanted and written randomly!
ok. i shall not stop.
i remembered i said i wanted to write it into a book right?
okok. i'll write some.

the time is still young.
we are still young.
everything is all blurry to us now.
you can't expect everything to turn ripe in one day.
wait, my dear.
you have a handful of time ahead.
don't rush and take it slow.
slow down and see the beautiful things in front of you,
and take a deep breath and taste the sweet scent of the living.
move with the living...

ok. it's a bit cheesy..
lols. who knows i might turn this into a song lyric one day?
omy. it's like a poem.
i didn't copy. i just thought this on the spot on my computer desk.
well.. and i'm just wondering why does uploading a video up on youtube take centuries?
... so freaking long.
anw. i 'll be able to show what i uploaded soon here. XD
SOON. if youtube doesn't fail me..
wait and see. [it's nothing really big.. so.. ya.]
till then.



Thursday, January 21, 2010

ok. i know..
it's been a long time since i've updated my blog..
i KNOW. it's boring.
but... reason for me not updating it is because i'm lazy..
gahhh!! think of updating it tires me out..
but now i'm updating because i'm listening to LANDS' "Genki".
it's a song from the LANDS album, Olympos.
especially jin's lovely voice. XD
Genki 「元気」means good spirit~~[something like that.]
Olympos is a nice album~~

6 more days~~~ till the release of my future~~
that's right! the release of the course that i'm posted to.
i wish i get posted to something that I've CHOSEN.
and i really wish i get into my first choice..
which is Diploma in Music and Audio Technology.
it's a course which is really close to what i want to do in the future..
BUT.. the chance of me getting into this course is....
really low... cause the COP is quite far from my points..
but i really hope to get in!!
ok.. NOW!
[warning. it's very addictive and nice.(at least to me)]

this is the opening to the Drama "Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi henge"
the anime is really nice!!
but not sure about the drama since it just started not long ago.~~
i don't know.. the opening is weird.
the four 美男子dancing around sunako....
and the dance is weird... that's what i think..
lols. but the drama is receiving good response.
maa. i shall wait.
i shall look forward to it~~~
and i look forward to KAT-TUN's new single as well.
sounds nice~~
and the thing i'm working on, i'm in the midst of it~
will upload it soon.~~

until then~~



Thursday, December 31, 2009

today is the last day of year 2009.
we're soon saying さよなら[sayonara] to this year.
this year, to me was a year full of memories.
a year which i felt i had a lot of things unaccomplish.
it was a waste because we take time for granted.
we always forgot the fact that time can never be turned back.
so we'll always say[or rather i always say] "wait la" "tomorrow"
but we can never reverse to "yesterday"
it was also a fruitful year for me.
i've learnt a lor of stuffs.
i've learnt that people may not be as nice as you think they are.
they may look or speak as if they're really nice.
but in fact their personalities are unbelievably the opposite of what you think.
well that is one aspect of life isn't it?
you explore and you see more as you go on in life.
there certainly a lot of regrets for me this year.
hesitation make you regret ne.
it's a waste too.. if you decide to do that certain something,
there might be something more in your life right now.
more colour ne.
and i found out one thing too.
i realize people's words are really powerful.
it can change/hurt people's heart.
but there are things that cannot be described with words.
there are sad moments in this year too.
there are a lot of great people who went somewhere far away.
and will never be coming back.
you know they will always live within our hearts.
ok. anough of craps.

tomorrow,will be a brand new year.
a year which i would never want to regret living through.
a year which i want to pass happily.
a year which it will be a fruitful one.
and i hope i don't get so quiet aroud strangers.
i mean in a new school or something.
i'm shy. :(
that's bad!
and i need to learn to socialize!!
there'll be something i would like to try though.
and i am in the midst of doing it.
stay tune to my blog and you'll know.
:) surprise da yo~
i better look out for my fuji terebi connection later it'll get lost again.
yes. i'm watching johnny's count down live. lols
it may be of bad wuality but well. i watched last year too but everything sounded/seemed to passs really quickly.
cause a lot of people are watching and you know lag and stuffs.
sad. i wish i have SCV with ALL the japanese channels.:(
maa. that's all.
it's a crappy post XD

ok lastly,i would like to wish every body a happy new year.
may our world be safe and may all our wishes come through.




Tuesday, December 29, 2009

went to work today as usual.
and... something good happened!
how wonderful is that? lols
i forgot about the dream though.
normally i would remember it very clearly..
but this time when i woke up,
i just thought that:
omg! i just dreamt of akame!
but i can't remember anything about what i did with them...
i think i played some games with them...? kana..
oh well. maybe the dream appeared blur for a reason?
maybe that will happen in real life? LOLS. XD just joking.
don't know when will i even get to go to a KAT-TUN concert.
today i watched NEWS's diamond party concert.
it was wonderful~!~~
i'm half way through though.
it felt as if i was there.
they really are great at bringing up the tension of the crowd~
and massu is smiling so broadly~~
their mc was really cute and funny.
i wish i can go to one of JE's concert. :(
just look at the wish list there.<<<<<<<
i WONDER when i can delete that.
notice the WONDER in caps?
cause jin and crystal kay had a collaboration.
called WONDER.
lols. random~~~~~~
1582 is a really interesting song.:)
i love it.
that's all~~~~~~~~~



Monday, December 28, 2009

but it's still a bit crazy though.
it sometimes shuts down by itself.
which you can say it's getting old.
maa... better than nothing. at least now i can watch my shows!
speaking of shows, there are a lot of new shows!
here's one!

it's kamenashi's new drama!
you can also say it's tegoshi's or uchi's new drama!
lols. a lot of johnny's in there!
it's called Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge.
i heard it's made based on the original manga/anime.
not sure what it is about though.
all i know is that the show's got "bidanshi"
”美男子” you can call it.
haha. i forgot when it'll be out though. XD
anyways, i'll look forward to it!!!!


i don't why they're in GOLD but.
the new song sounds a bit techno.
a bit perfume-ish. lols.
well i just have to wait!!!
i can't wait!!!!!!!
amd i love nakamaru's blush at the end!

i've been working everyday lately.
not really tiring though cause i work from 9am to 2pm.
so i have time to rest and play~
but after i go into poly or something, it'll be back to studying again.
maaa. let's wait till when it comes.
i am shocked about one thing though.
my brother bought KBS channel on mioTV.
...but after that we bought the mei ah channel.
ok... so i can watch MR BRAIN NOW!
but what for.. i have my computer already.. -.-
better than nothing though.
not that i want to say but.
singapore shows are kinda boring..
and lack of creativity.
only my own opinion. no offence.
that's all for now.




~recarnated into this
dimension on the:
5 August 1993.
~i am vain.
[and that's what leos do]
~i wannnna fly to japan
~i love this japanese group
i love this guy called Akanishi Jin.
~i'm smart
but don't use my brain much
~i'm really creativeXD.

Hatachi no sensou
one of the songs in Olympos.
i love this song!!
this song sort of transmit
a emotional period of life.
and i love the lyrics
and melody of this song.
and not to forget jin's
beautiful voice~~
please listen to it!

::shi yun.
::shi ting.
::ying chui.
::HS Wind Symphony.
::HS clarinets.


*Gold colour long wallet.
*new bags~~~
*iMac pro notebook
*watch BANDAGE
*more shoes
*get a job in the media/medical world
*become a star like Jin.
*clear my face.
*go to at least one KAT-TUN/any Johnny's concert concert/butai.
*lots and lots and lots of money



September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
December 2009
January 2010


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Layout features idol Jin Akanishi .

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